Women, children and immigrants in extreme/ultra poverty disproportionately bear the brunt of the sufferings that come with social injustice. COVID-19 has highlighted the growing challenges. The best help we can give them is a long-term, wholistic approach and wraparound programs to facilitate their development.
Poverty and Social Vulnerability
Crime, Violence and No Security
Under Education lowering Access to Opportunities
Housing Shortage and Overcrowding
Lack of Safe and Dignified Job Opportunities
Low Access to Healthcare
These subgroups have greater challenges. Composed by unskilled unemployed mothers head of households, women survivors of domestic violence rebuilding their lives, undocumented immigrants, unemployed young single mothers and elderly grandmothers suffering, along with their children, from: food insecurity, underpaid jobs, irregular income, lack of healthcare, inadequate housing, lack of education, job skills and in digital exclusion. Here are some of the challenges our beneficiaries suffer:
Human Rights Violations
Domestic Violence against women and children
We are taking action, so that NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND
Self and skill discovery
Job and skill training
Entrepreneurial education for self employment
Financial training to build and sustain micro businesses
Teaching of vital values and human rights to build strong families and society
Promotion of gender equality
Advocacy to tackle the constraints that limit their progress and make a space for their voices with governmental agencies and society for the issues affecting them and their next generations
Training in conflict and peace-building skills
Anti-human trafficking and prevention activities that enable women involved in prostitution and drug addiction to exit these situations and reintegrate into society. This happens through a holistic approach to restoration, skill development and learning communities made out of women from all walks of life and social status.
Community awareness by promoting inclusion, standing against discrimination and addressing common misconceptions about those who have been involved in the commercial sex trade to earn a living.
Training of local volunteers and other non profits organizations working in social justice.
Social responsability/Volunteer hours. Each woman is asked to give 3 hours a month to participate in social responsability. Activities such as: the massage therapy students going to a home for elderly people, the manicure students to prison for women, the sewing students to food bank.
We support other organizations that work with women in prostitution, drug addiction or leaving prison by giving scholarship to their participants for our courses.
Outcomes & Benefits
In our latest survey we discovered that women who had participated consistently in our programs in the last 3 years had experienced the following:
Spent more time studying and working, impacting their own children's progress and bettering family dynamics
Felt more productive, confident and hopeful
Became providers for their households and went hungry fewer days
Had less stress, leading to mental and physical health improvement
Many opened a savings account for the first time, learned how to administrate resource, and had money to invest in micro-businesses for survival
Improved their relationships with neighbours and became interested in the progress of their community
Had a greater awareness of their need to invest in education
Felt more capable to handle emergencies and other challenges
On average, our women have significantly more assets and savings than they did before joining TRANSFORMA.
Other Efforts
Year round, TRANSFORMA helps families in extreme poverty with food and other supplies to help provide for their families as they move towards a better future.
Food bank
TRANSFORMA ensures access to quality education and vocational trainings for dozens of children, young mothers, as well as mature and elderly women.
School Tuiton fundraising
In alliance with other organizations, TRANSFORMA contributes to practical projects that benefit our entrepreneurs who are working towards starting micro-businesses for survival.
Building projects
Throughout the year, TRANSFORMA offers seminars to students and families within the community. These include parenting and childcare workshops, addiction and sex trafficking prevention classes, leadership trainings, and community development seminars.
Workshops and Community Seminars
Free of charge, TRANSFORMA welcomes mothers to bring their small children to their training classes to eliminate the financial burden and coordination hurdles of child care.